Source code for

from twisted.web import http
from twisted.web.server import NOT_DONE_YET

from import AssetAmount
from import AssetPair
from Tribler.Core.Modules.restapi import has_param, get_param
from import BaseMarketEndpoint
import Tribler.Core.Utilities.json_util as json

[docs]class BaseAsksBidsEndpoint(BaseMarketEndpoint): """ This class acts as the base class for the asks/bids endpoint. """
[docs] @staticmethod def create_ask_bid_from_params(parameters): """ Create an ask/bid from the provided parameters in a request. This method returns a tuple with the price, quantity and timeout of the ask/bid. """ timeout = 3600 if has_param(parameters, 'timeout'): timeout = int(get_param(parameters, 'timeout')) first_asset_amount = int(get_param(parameters, 'first_asset_amount')) second_asset_amount = int(get_param(parameters, 'second_asset_amount')) first_asset_type = get_param(parameters, 'first_asset_type') second_asset_type = get_param(parameters, 'second_asset_type') return AssetPair(AssetAmount(first_asset_amount, first_asset_type), AssetAmount(second_asset_amount, second_asset_type)), timeout
[docs]class AsksEndpoint(BaseAsksBidsEndpoint): """ This class handles requests regarding asks in the market community. """
[docs] def render_GET(self, request): """ .. http:get:: /market/asks A GET request to this endpoint will return all ask ticks in the order book of the market community. **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: none curl -X GET http://localhost:8085/market/asks **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: javascript { "asks": [{ "asset1": "BTC", "asset2": "MB", "ticks": [{ "trader_id": "12c406358ba05e5883a75da3f009477e4ca699a9", "timeout": 3600, "assets": { "first": { "amount": 10, "type": "BTC" }, "second": { "amount": 10, "type": "MB" } }, "traded": 5, "timestamp": 1493905920.68573, "order_number": 1}, ...] }, ...] } """ return json.dumps({"asks": self.get_market_community().order_book.asks.get_list_representation()})
[docs] def render_PUT(self, request): """ .. http:put:: /market/asks A request to this endpoint will create a new ask order. **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: none curl -X PUT http://localhost:8085/market/asks --data "first_asset_amount=10&second_asset_amount=10&first_asset_type=BTC&second_asset_type=MB" **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: javascript { "created": True } """ parameters = http.parse_qs(, 1) if not has_param(parameters, 'first_asset_amount') or not has_param(parameters, 'second_asset_amount'): request.setResponseCode(http.BAD_REQUEST) return json.dumps({"error": "asset amount parameter missing"}) if not has_param(parameters, 'first_asset_type') or not has_param(parameters, 'second_asset_type'): request.setResponseCode(http.BAD_REQUEST) return json.dumps({"error": "asset type parameter missing"}) def on_ask_created(_): if not request.finished: request.write(json.dumps({"created": True})) request.finish() self.get_market_community().create_ask(*BaseAsksBidsEndpoint.create_ask_bid_from_params(parameters))\ .addCallback(on_ask_created) return NOT_DONE_YET
[docs]class BidsEndpoint(BaseAsksBidsEndpoint): """ This class handles requests regarding bids in the market community. """
[docs] def render_GET(self, request): """ .. http:get:: /market/bids A GET request to this endpoint will return all bid ticks in the order book of the market community. **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: none curl -X GET http://localhost:8085/market/bids **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: javascript { "bids": [{ "asset1": "BTC", "asset2": "MB", "ticks": [{ "trader_id": "12c406358ba05e5883a75da3f009477e4ca699a9", "timeout": 3600, "assets": { "first": { "amount": 10, "type": "BTC" }, "second": { "amount": 10, "type": "MB" } }, "traded": 5, "timestamp": 1493905920.68573, "order_number": 1}, ...] }, ...] } """ return json.dumps({"bids": self.get_market_community().order_book.bids.get_list_representation()})
[docs] def render_PUT(self, request): """ .. http:put:: /market/bids A request to this endpoint will create a new bid order. **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: none curl -X PUT http://localhost:8085/market/bids --data "first_asset_amount=10&second_asset_amount=10&first_asset_type=BTC&second_asset_type=MB" **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: javascript { "created": True } """ parameters = http.parse_qs(, 1) if not has_param(parameters, 'first_asset_amount') or not has_param(parameters, 'second_asset_amount'): request.setResponseCode(http.BAD_REQUEST) return json.dumps({"error": "asset amount parameter missing"}) if not has_param(parameters, 'first_asset_type') or not has_param(parameters, 'second_asset_type'): request.setResponseCode(http.BAD_REQUEST) return json.dumps({"error": "asset type parameter missing"}) def on_bid_created(_): if not request.finished: request.write(json.dumps({"created": True})) request.finish() self.get_market_community().create_bid(*BaseAsksBidsEndpoint.create_ask_bid_from_params(parameters))\ .addCallback(on_bid_created) return NOT_DONE_YET