Source code for Tribler.Core.Modules.restapi.debug_endpoint

import logging
import os
from StringIO import StringIO
import sys

import datetime
import psutil
from meliae import scanner
from twisted.web import http, resource

from Tribler.Core.Utilities.instrumentation import WatchDog
import Tribler.Core.Utilities.json_util as json

[docs]class MemoryDumpBuffer(StringIO): """ Meliae expects its file handle to support write(), flush() and __call__(). The StringIO class does not support __call__(), therefore we provide this subclass. """ def __call__(self, s): StringIO.write(self, s)
[docs]class DebugEndpoint(resource.Resource): """ This endpoint is responsible for handing requests regarding debug information in Tribler. """ def __init__(self, session): resource.Resource.__init__(self) child_handler_dict = {"circuits": DebugCircuitsEndpoint, "open_files": DebugOpenFilesEndpoint, "open_sockets": DebugOpenSocketsEndpoint, "threads": DebugThreadsEndpoint, "cpu": DebugCPUEndpoint, "memory": DebugMemoryEndpoint, "log": DebugLogEndpoint, "profiler": DebugProfilerEndpoint} for path, child_cls in child_handler_dict.iteritems(): self.putChild(path, child_cls(session))
[docs]class DebugCircuitsEndpoint(resource.Resource): """ This class handles requests regarding the tunnel community debug information. """ def __init__(self, session): resource.Resource.__init__(self) self.session = session self.putChild("slots", DebugCircuitSlotsEndpoint(session))
[docs] def render_GET(self, request): """ .. http:get:: /debug/circuits A GET request to this endpoint returns information about the built circuits in the tunnel community. **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: none curl -X GET http://localhost:8085/debug/circuits **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: javascript { "circuits": [{ "id": 1234, "state": "EXTENDING", "goal_hops": 4, "bytes_up": 45, "bytes_down": 49, "created": 1468176257, "hops": [{ "host": "unknown" }, { "host": "" }], ... }, ...] } """ tunnel_community = self.session.lm.tunnel_community if not tunnel_community: request.setResponseCode(http.NOT_FOUND) return json.dumps({"error": "tunnel community not found"}) circuits_json = [] for circuit_id, circuit in tunnel_community.circuits.iteritems(): item = {'id': circuit_id, 'state': str(circuit.state), 'goal_hops': circuit.goal_hops, 'bytes_up': circuit.bytes_up, 'bytes_down': circuit.bytes_down, 'created': circuit.creation_time} hops_array = [] for hop in circuit.hops: hops_array.append({'host': 'unknown' if 'UNKNOWN HOST' in else '%s:%s' % (, hop.port)}) item['hops'] = hops_array circuits_json.append(item) return json.dumps({'circuits': circuits_json})
[docs]class DebugCircuitSlotsEndpoint(resource.Resource): """ This class handles requests for information about slots in the tunnel overlay. """ def __init__(self, session): resource.Resource.__init__(self) self.session = session
[docs] def render_GET(self, request): """ .. http:get:: /debug/circuits/slots A GET request to this endpoint returns information about the slots in the tunnel overlay. **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: none curl -X GET http://localhost:8085/debug/circuits/slots **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: javascript { "open_files": [{ "path": "path/to/open/file.txt", "fd": 33, }, ...] } """ return json.dumps({ "slots": { "random": self.session.lm.tunnel_community.random_slots, "competing": self.session.lm.tunnel_community.competing_slots } })
[docs]class DebugOpenFilesEndpoint(resource.Resource): """ This class handles request for information about open files. """ def __init__(self, session): resource.Resource.__init__(self) self.session = session
[docs] def render_GET(self, request): """ .. http:get:: /debug/open_files A GET request to this endpoint returns information about files opened by Tribler. **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: none curl -X GET http://localhost:8085/debug/open_files **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: javascript { "open_files": [{ "path": "path/to/open/file.txt", "fd": 33, }, ...] } """ my_process = psutil.Process() return json.dumps({ "open_files": [{"path": open_file.path, "fd": open_file.fd} for open_file in my_process.open_files()]})
[docs]class DebugOpenSocketsEndpoint(resource.Resource): """ This class handles request for information about open sockets. """ def __init__(self, session): resource.Resource.__init__(self) self.session = session
[docs] def render_GET(self, request): """ .. http:get:: /debug/open_sockets A GET request to this endpoint returns information about open sockets. **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: none curl -X GET http://localhost:8085/debug/openfiles **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: javascript { "open_sockets": [{ "family": 2, "status": "ESTABLISHED", "laddr": "", "raddr": "", "type": 30 }, ...] } """ my_process = psutil.Process() sockets = [] for open_socket in my_process.connections(): sockets.append({ "family":, "status": open_socket.status, "laddr": ("%s:%d" % open_socket.laddr) if open_socket.laddr else "-", "raddr": ("%s:%d" % open_socket.raddr) if open_socket.raddr else "-", "type": open_socket.type }) return json.dumps({"open_sockets": sockets})
[docs]class DebugThreadsEndpoint(resource.Resource): """ This class handles request for information about threads. """ def __init__(self, session): resource.Resource.__init__(self) self.session = session
[docs] def render_GET(self, request): """ .. http:get:: /debug/threads A GET request to this endpoint returns information about running threads. **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: none curl -X GET http://localhost:8085/debug/threads **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: javascript { "threads": [{ "thread_id": 123456, "thread_name": "my_thread", "frames": ["my_frame", ...] }, ...] } """ watchdog = WatchDog() return json.dumps({"threads": watchdog.get_threads_info()})
[docs]class DebugCPUEndpoint(resource.Resource): """ This class handles request for information about CPU. """ def __init__(self, session): resource.Resource.__init__(self) self.putChild("history", DebugCPUHistoryEndpoint(session))
[docs]class DebugCPUHistoryEndpoint(resource.Resource): """ This class handles request for information about CPU usage history. """ def __init__(self, session): resource.Resource.__init__(self) self.session = session
[docs] def render_GET(self, request): """ .. http:get:: /debug/cpu/history A GET request to this endpoint returns information about CPU usage history in the form of a list. **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: none curl -X GET http://localhost:8085/debug/cpu/history **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: javascript { "cpu_history": [{ "time": 1504015291214, "cpu": 3.4, }, ...] } """ history = self.session.lm.resource_monitor.get_cpu_history_dict() if self.session.lm.resource_monitor else {} return json.dumps({"cpu_history": history})
[docs]class DebugMemoryEndpoint(resource.Resource): """ This class handles request for information about memory. """ def __init__(self, session): resource.Resource.__init__(self) self.putChild("history", DebugMemoryHistoryEndpoint(session)) self.putChild("dump", DebugMemoryDumpEndpoint(session))
[docs]class DebugMemoryHistoryEndpoint(resource.Resource): """ This class handles request for information about memory usage history. """ def __init__(self, session): resource.Resource.__init__(self) self.session = session
[docs] def render_GET(self, request): """ .. http:get:: /debug/memory/history A GET request to this endpoint returns information about memory usage history in the form of a list. **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: none curl -X GET http://localhost:8085/debug/memory/history **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: javascript { "memory_history": [{ "time": 1504015291214, "mem": 324324, }, ...] } """ history = self.session.lm.resource_monitor.get_memory_history_dict() if self.session.lm.resource_monitor else {} return json.dumps({"memory_history": history})
[docs]class DebugMemoryDumpEndpoint(resource.Resource): """ This class handles request for dumping memory contents. """ def __init__(self, session): resource.Resource.__init__(self) self.session = session
[docs] def render_GET(self, request): """ .. http:get:: /debug/memory/dump A GET request to this endpoint returns a Meliae-compatible dump of the memory contents. **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: none curl -X GET http://localhost:8085/debug/memory/dump **Example response**: The content of the memory dump file. """ content = "" if sys.platform == "win32": # On Windows meliae (especially older versions) segfault on writing to file dump_buffer = MemoryDumpBuffer() try: scanner.dump_all_objects(dump_buffer) except OverflowError as e: # logging.error("meliae dump failed (your version may be too old): %s", str(e)) content = dump_buffer.getvalue() dump_buffer.close() else: # On other platforms, simply writing to file is much faster dump_file_path = os.path.join(self.session.config.get_state_dir(), 'memory_dump.json') scanner.dump_all_objects(dump_file_path) with open(dump_file_path, 'r') as dump_file: content = date_str ="%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S") request.setHeader(b'content-type', 'application/json') request.setHeader(b'Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename=tribler_memory_dump_%s.json' % date_str) return content
[docs]class DebugLogEndpoint(resource.Resource): """ This class handles the request for displaying the logs. """ def __init__(self, session): resource.Resource.__init__(self) self.session = session
[docs] def render_GET(self, request): """ .. http:get:: /debug/log?process=<core|gui>&max_lines=<max_lines> A GET request to this endpoint returns a json with content of core or gui log file & max_lines requested **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: none curl -X GET http://localhost:8085/debug/log?process=core&max_lines=5 **Example response**: A JSON with content of the log file & max_lines requested, for eg. { "max_lines" : 5, "content" :"INFO 1506675301.76 sqlitecachedb:181 Reading database version... INFO 1506675301.76 sqlitecachedb:185 Current database version is 29 INFO 1506675301.76 sqlitecachedb:203 Beginning the first transaction... INFO 1506675301.76 upgrade:93 tribler is in the latest version,... INFO 1506675302.08 LaunchManyCore:254 lmc: Starting Dispersy..." } """ # First, flush all the logs to make sure it is written to file for handler in logging.getLogger().handlers: handler.flush() # Get the location of log file param_process = request.args['process'][0] if request.args['process'] else 'core' log_file_name = os.path.join(self.session.config.get_log_dir(), 'tribler-%s-info.log' % param_process) # Default response response = {'content': '', 'max_lines': 0} # Check if log file exists and return last requested 'max_lines' of log if os.path.exists(log_file_name): try: max_lines = int(request.args['max_lines'][0]) with open(log_file_name, 'r') as log_file: response['content'] = self.tail(log_file, max_lines) response['max_lines'] = max_lines except ValueError: with open(log_file_name, 'r') as log_file: response['content'] = self.tail(log_file, 100) # default 100 lines response['max_lines'] = 0 return json.dumps(response)
[docs] def tail(self, file_handler, lines=1): """Tail a file and get X lines from the end""" # place holder for the lines found lines_found = [] byte_buffer = 1024 # block counter will be multiplied by buffer # to get the block size from the end block_counter = -1 # loop until we find X lines while len(lines_found) < lines: try: * byte_buffer, os.SEEK_END) except IOError: # either file is too small, or too many lines requested lines_found = file_handler.readlines() break lines_found = file_handler.readlines() # we found enough lines, get out if len(lines_found) > lines: break # decrement the block counter to get the # next X bytes block_counter -= 1 return ''.join(lines_found[-lines:])
[docs]class DebugProfilerEndpoint(resource.Resource): """ This class handles requests for the profiler. """ def __init__(self, session): resource.Resource.__init__(self) self.session = session
[docs] def render_GET(self, request): """ .. http:get:: /debug/profiler A GET request to this endpoint returns information about the state of the profiler. This state is either STARTED or STOPPED. **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: none curl -X GET http://localhost:8085/debug/profiler **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: javascript { "state": "STARTED" } """ monitor_enabled = self.session.config.get_resource_monitor_enabled() state = "STARTED" if (monitor_enabled and self.session.lm.resource_monitor.profiler_running) else "STOPPED" return json.dumps({"state": state})
[docs] def render_PUT(self, request): """ .. http:put:: /debug/profiler A PUT request to this endpoint starts the profiler. **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: none curl -X PUT http://localhost:8085/debug/profiler **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: javascript { "success": "true" } """ self.session.lm.resource_monitor.start_profiler() return json.dumps({"success": True})
[docs] def render_DELETE(self, request): """ .. http:delete:: /debug/profiler A PUT request to this endpoint stops the profiler. **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: none curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8085/debug/profiler **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: javascript { "success": "true" } """ file_path = self.session.lm.resource_monitor.stop_profiler() return json.dumps({"success": True, "profiler_file": file_path})