Source code for Tribler.Core.Modules.restapi.channels.channels_playlists_endpoint

from twisted.web import http

from Tribler.Core.Modules.restapi.channels.base_channels_endpoint import BaseChannelsEndpoint
from Tribler.Core.Modules.restapi.util import convert_db_torrent_to_json
import Tribler.Core.Utilities.json_util as json

[docs]class ChannelsPlaylistsEndpoint(BaseChannelsEndpoint): """ This class is responsible for handling requests regarding playlists in a channel. """ def __init__(self, session, cid): BaseChannelsEndpoint.__init__(self, session) self.cid = cid def getChild(self, path, request): return ChannelsModifyPlaylistsEndpoint(self.session, self.cid, path)
[docs] def render_GET(self, request): """ .. http:get:: /channels/discovered/(string: channelid)/playlists Returns the playlists in your channel. Returns error 404 if you have not created a channel. - disable_filter: whether the family filter should be disabled for this request (1 = disabled) **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: none curl -X GET http://localhost:8085/channels/discovered/abcd/playlists **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: javascript { "playlists": [{ "id": 1, "name": "My first playlist", "description": "Funny movies", "torrents": [{ "id": 4, "infohash": "97d2d8f5d37e56cfaeaae151d55f05b077074779", "name": "Ubuntu-16.04-desktop-amd64", "size": 8592385, "category": "other", "num_seeders": 42, "num_leechers": 184, "last_tracker_check": 1463176959 }, ... ] }, ...] } :statuscode 404: if you have not created a channel. """ channel = self.get_channel_from_db(self.cid) if channel is None: return ChannelsPlaylistsEndpoint.return_404(request) playlists = [] req_columns = ['', '', 'Playlists.description'] req_columns_torrents = ['Torrent.torrent_id', 'infohash', '', 'length', 'Torrent.category', 'num_seeders', 'num_leechers', 'last_tracker_check', 'ChannelTorrents.inserted'] should_filter = self.session.config.get_family_filter_enabled() if 'disable_filter' in request.args and len(request.args['disable_filter']) > 0 \ and request.args['disable_filter'][0] == "1": should_filter = False for playlist in self.channel_db_handler.getPlaylistsFromChannelId(channel[0], req_columns): # Fetch torrents in the playlist playlist_torrents = self.channel_db_handler.getTorrentsFromPlaylist(playlist[0], req_columns_torrents) torrents = [] for torrent_result in playlist_torrents: torrent = convert_db_torrent_to_json(torrent_result) if (should_filter and torrent['category'] == 'xxx') or torrent['name'] is None: continue torrents.append(torrent) playlists.append({"id": playlist[0], "name": playlist[1], "description": playlist[2], "torrents": torrents}) return json.dumps({"playlists": playlists})
[docs] def render_PUT(self, request): """ .. http:put:: /channels/discovered/(string: channelid)/playlists Create a new empty playlist with a given name and description. The name and description parameters are mandatory. **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: none curl -X PUT http://localhost:8085/channels/discovered/abcd/playlists --data "name=My fancy playlist&description=This playlist contains some random movies" **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: javascript { "created": True } :statuscode 400: if you are missing the name and/or description parameter :statuscode 404: if the specified channel does not exist """ parameters = http.parse_qs(, 1) if 'name' not in parameters or len(parameters['name']) == 0: request.setResponseCode(http.BAD_REQUEST) return json.dumps({"error": "name parameter missing"}) if 'description' not in parameters or len(parameters['description']) == 0: request.setResponseCode(http.BAD_REQUEST) return json.dumps({"error": "description parameter missing"}) channel_info = self.get_channel_from_db(self.cid) if channel_info is None: return ChannelsPlaylistsEndpoint.return_404(request) channel_community = self.get_community_for_channel_id(channel_info[0]) if channel_community is None: return BaseChannelsEndpoint.return_404(request, message="the community for the specific channel cannot be found") channel_community.create_playlist(unicode(parameters['name'][0], 'utf-8'), unicode(parameters['description'][0], 'utf-8'), []) return json.dumps({"created": True})
[docs]class ChannelsModifyPlaylistsEndpoint(BaseChannelsEndpoint): """ This class is responsible for requests that are modifying a specific playlist in a channel. """ def __init__(self, session, cid, playlist_id): BaseChannelsEndpoint.__init__(self, session) self.cid = cid self.playlist_id = playlist_id def getChild(self, path, request): return ChannelsModifyPlaylistTorrentsEndpoint(self.session, self.cid, self.playlist_id, path)
[docs] def render_DELETE(self, request): """ .. http:delete:: /channels/discovered/(string: channelid)/playlists/(int: playlistid) Remove a playlist with a specified playlist id. **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: none curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8085/channels/discovered/abcd/playlists/3 **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: javascript { "removed": True } :statuscode 404: if the specified channel (community) or playlist does not exist """ channel_info = self.get_channel_from_db(self.cid) if channel_info is None: return ChannelsPlaylistsEndpoint.return_404(request) playlist = self.channel_db_handler.getPlaylist(self.playlist_id, ['Playlists.dispersy_id', '']) if playlist is None: return BaseChannelsEndpoint.return_404(request, message="this playlist cannot be found") channel_community = self.get_community_for_channel_id(channel_info[0]) if channel_community is None: return BaseChannelsEndpoint.return_404(request, message="the community for the specific channel cannot be found") # Remove all torrents from this playlist playlist_torrents = self.channel_db_handler.get_torrent_ids_from_playlist(playlist[1]) channel_community.remove_playlist_torrents(playlist[0], [dispersy_id for dispersy_id, in playlist_torrents]) # Remove the playlist itself channel_community.remove_playlists([playlist[0]]) return json.dumps({"removed": True})
[docs] def render_POST(self, request): """ .. http:post:: /channels/discovered/(string: channelid)/playlists/(int: playlistid) Edit a specific playlist. The new name and description should be passed as parameter. **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: none curl -X POST http://localhost:8085/channels/discovered/abcd/playlists/3 --data "name=test&description=my test description" **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: javascript { "modified": True } :statuscode 404: if the specified channel (community) or playlist does not exist or if the name and description parameters are missing. """ parameters = http.parse_qs(, 1) if 'name' not in parameters or len(parameters['name']) == 0: request.setResponseCode(http.BAD_REQUEST) return json.dumps({"error": "name parameter missing"}) if 'description' not in parameters or len(parameters['description']) == 0: request.setResponseCode(http.BAD_REQUEST) return json.dumps({"error": "description parameter missing"}) channel_info = self.get_channel_from_db(self.cid) if channel_info is None: return ChannelsPlaylistsEndpoint.return_404(request) playlist = self.channel_db_handler.getPlaylist(self.playlist_id, ['']) if playlist is None: return BaseChannelsEndpoint.return_404(request, message="this playlist cannot be found") channel_community = self.get_community_for_channel_id(channel_info[0]) if channel_community is None: return BaseChannelsEndpoint.return_404(request, message="the community for the specific channel cannot be found") channel_community.modifyPlaylist(playlist[0], {'name': parameters['name'][0], 'description': parameters['description'][0]}) return json.dumps({"modified": True})
[docs]class ChannelsModifyPlaylistTorrentsEndpoint(BaseChannelsEndpoint): def __init__(self, session, cid, playlist_id, infohash): BaseChannelsEndpoint.__init__(self, session) self.cid = cid self.playlist_id = playlist_id self.infohash = infohash.decode('hex')
[docs] def render_PUT(self, request): """ .. http:put:: /channels/discovered/(string: channelid)/playlists/(int: playlistid)/(string: infohash) Add a torrent with a specified infohash to a specified playlist. The torrent that is added to the playlist, should be present in the channel. **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: none curl -X PUT http://localhost:8085/channels/discovered/abcd/playlists/3/abcdef **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: javascript { "added": True } :statuscode 404: if the specified channel/playlist/torrent does not exist. :statuscode 409: if the specified torrent is already in the specified playlist. """ channel_info = self.get_channel_from_db(self.cid) if channel_info is None: return ChannelsPlaylistsEndpoint.return_404(request) channel_community = self.get_community_for_channel_id(channel_info[0]) if channel_community is None: return BaseChannelsEndpoint.return_404(request, message="the community for the specific channel cannot be found") playlist = self.channel_db_handler.getPlaylist(self.playlist_id, ['Playlists.dispersy_id']) if playlist is None: return BaseChannelsEndpoint.return_404(request, message="this playlist cannot be found") # Check whether this torrent is present in your channel torrent_in_channel = False for torrent in self.channel_db_handler.getTorrentsFromChannelId(channel_info[0], True, ["infohash"]): if torrent[0] == self.infohash: torrent_in_channel = True break if not torrent_in_channel: return BaseChannelsEndpoint.return_404(request, message="this torrent is not available in your channel") # Check whether this torrent is not already present in this playlist for torrent in self.channel_db_handler.getTorrentsFromPlaylist(self.playlist_id, ["infohash"]): if torrent[0] == self.infohash: request.setResponseCode(http.CONFLICT) return json.dumps({"error": "this torrent is already in your playlist"}) channel_community.create_playlist_torrents(int(self.playlist_id), [self.infohash]) return json.dumps({"added": True})
[docs] def render_DELETE(self, request): """ .. http:delete:: /channels/discovered/(string: channelid)/playlists/(int: playlistid)/(string: infohash) Remove a torrent with a specified infohash from a specified playlist. **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: none curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8085/channels/discovered/abcd/playlists/3/abcdef **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: javascript { "removed": True } :statuscode 404: if the specified channel/playlist/torrent does not exist. """ channel_info = self.get_channel_from_db(self.cid) if channel_info is None: return ChannelsPlaylistsEndpoint.return_404(request) playlist = self.channel_db_handler.getPlaylist(self.playlist_id, ['Playlists.dispersy_id']) if playlist is None: return BaseChannelsEndpoint.return_404(request, message="this playlist cannot be found") channel_community = self.get_community_for_channel_id(channel_info[0]) if channel_community is None: return BaseChannelsEndpoint.return_404(request, message="the community for the specific channel cannot be found") # Check whether this torrent is present in this playlist and if so, get the dispersy ID torrent_dispersy_id = -1 for torrent in self.channel_db_handler.getTorrentsFromPlaylist(self.playlist_id, ["infohash", "PlaylistTorrents.dispersy_id"]): if torrent[0] == self.infohash: torrent_dispersy_id = torrent[1] break if torrent_dispersy_id == -1: request.setResponseCode(http.NOT_FOUND) return json.dumps({"error": "this torrent is not in your playlist"}) channel_community.remove_playlist_torrents(int(self.playlist_id), [torrent_dispersy_id]) return json.dumps({"removed": True})