Tribler development environment setup on MacOS (10.10 to latest).


This guide will outline how to setup a Tribler development environment on Mac.


If you wish to run the Tribler Graphical User Interface, PyQt5 should be available on the system. To install PyQt5, we first need to install Qt5, a C++ library which can be installed with Brew:

brew install python3 qt5 sip pyqt5
brew cask install qt-creator # if you want the visual designer
brew link qt5 --force # to allow access qmake from the terminal

qmake --version # test whether qt is installed correctly

Add qt@5/bin to the PATH environment variable, e.g.:

export PATH="/usr/local/opt/qt@5/bin:$PATH"

Other Packages

There are a bunch of other packages that can easily be installed using pip and brew:

brew install gmp mpfr libmpc libsodium
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt


The security system on MacOS can prevent libsodium.dylib from being dynamically linked into Tribler when running Python. If this library cannot be loaded, it gives an error that libsodium could not be found. This is because the DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH cannot be set when Python starts. More information about this can be read here.

The best solution to this problem is to link or copy libsodium.dylib into the Tribler root directory.

git clone
cd tribler
cp /usr/local/lib/libsodium.dylib ./ || cp /opt/local/lib/libsodium.dylib ./

You can now run Tribler by executing the following bash script in the src directory:


Proceed proceed to Build instructions


If there are any problems with the guide above, please feel free to fix any errors or create an issue so we can look into it.

Apple Silicon

There are currently no python bindings available to install from pip. Therefore you need to build them from source.

To do this, please install openssl and boost first:

And then follow the instruction.

This instruction was checked for the following versions:

  • python 3.11

  • libtorrent 1.2.18