This guide explains how to build Tribler on MacOS (10.10 to 10.13). The final result is a .dmg file which, when opened, allows to be copied to the Applications directory and or launched. Make sure the required packages required by Tribler are installed from the Development instructions.

Building Tribler on macOS

Start by checking out the directory you want to clone (using git clone). Open a terminal and cd to this new cloned directory (referenced to as tribler_source in this guide).

Next, we should inject version information into the files about the latest release:

git describe | python -c "import sys; print(next(sys.stdin).lstrip('v'))" > .TriblerVersion
git rev-parse HEAD > .TriblerCommit

python3 ./build/ -r .

Now execute the builder with the following command:

python3 -m pip install -r requirements-build.txt

export QT_QPA_PLATFORM=offscreen
export QT_IM_MODULE=ibus
export "TRIBLER_VERSION=$(head -n 1 .TriblerVersion)"


This will create the .dmg file in the tribler_source/dist directory.